Schultz Tables App

Matt Mazzola
1 min readFeb 25, 2018


I recently finished up an app called SchultzTables which hopes to recreate an activity Ido Portal had us do at Movement Camp last year.

I searched online and didn’t find any existing apps I liked an though it would be simple enough to create on my own.

There is a 5 x 5 grid of symbols (usually numbers since they’re universal, although it can be alphabetical) and you must touch them in order as fast as possible. It starts with a simple straight lines with black text on white paper, but as you can see below gets harder as there is distortion, colors, other symbols, and movement added.

As most of my side projects it’s not necessarily finished, but I’d like to move on to another project so I got it to a stopping point and created a quick demonstration video here:

The main reason the app helps is it automatically logs your scores/duration over time so you can measure your progress.

As always if any one really likes it and wants to add more features such as fixing the refresh bugs so new scores are automatically loaded it’s open source:

Live Game:

Let me know what you think in the comments below!

